Posts Tagged “Chile”
Digital regulation challenges for the new Government of Chile
by Digital Rights LAC on March 1, 2014
In March of this year a new government will take office in Chile. Any digital development policy that it implements must necessarily consider legal variables, by designing regulations that enable sustainable development, beyond buzzwords such as “digital government”, “smart cities”, entrepreneurship, innovation or disruption. By Francisco Vera Digital development in (…) Leer Artículo »
[2013 Assessment] Copyright in Chile
by Digital Rights LAC on January 28, 2014
At Digital Rights LAC we wanted to ask different specialists in the region about their personal appraisals on digital rights issues. This is the case of Francisco Vera from Chile. We asked him: What is the most critical aspect of the TPP concerning intellectual property for countries in our region? (…) Leer Artículo »
TPP after the filtration of Wikileaks
by Digital Rights LAC on December 21, 2013
The only real transparency mechanism that citizens have had throughout years of TPP negotiations has been Wikileaks. In this context, considered unacceptable under any democratic view, we can find out about the hard intellectual property standards that the U.S. wants to demand from its commercial partners. By Claudio Ruiz*, Digital (…) Leer Artículo »
Computer crime: the necessary human rights perspective
by Digital Rights LAC on November 22, 2013
By Paz Pena Ochoa In a context of increased criminalization of cybercrime, it is time to reflect on how our laws respond harmoniously with respect for the human rights of citizens. The conclusions drawn may prove to be more than worrying. Spam, fraud, child pornography and virtual terrorism, among so (…) Leer Artículo »
What advances have been made in the discussion of data protection law?
by Digital Rights LAC on September 19, 2013
One of the most long- awaited legal reforms in Chile concerns the law which regulates the protection of private life, owing to the inefficient way in which the current law operates. After more than one polarised debate, the new bill continues its passage through parliament and here we report some (…) Leer Artículo »
The bill to regulate video games in Chile: is there any point at this stage?
by Digital Rights LAC on September 19, 2013
A law to regulate video games is on the point of being approved six years after the process first began. The biggest problem with it is that the technologies and the cultural context have changed to such a degree that it is no longer necessary. By Francisco Vera* At the (…) Leer Artículo »
The neutrality of the internet in Chile: Too much sophistication for SUBTEL?
by Digital Rights LAC on August 27, 2013
The neutrality of the internet in Chile is not much better now than it was three years ago, when there was no law in this regard. A large part of the responsibility for this can be laid at the door of the regulatory authority SUBTEL, which appears not to have (…) Leer Artículo »
An evaluation of the net neutrality law in Chile
by Digital Rights LAC on July 17, 2013
Chile was the first country in the world in adopting a law on net neutrality. Three years later, numbers on the telecommunications market suggests its positive effects, but it does not appear to be completely effective for consumers. By Alberto Cerda, NGO Derechos Digitales. Nearly after three years from adopting (…) Leer Artículo »
On the parody on Twitter: lessons to learn
by Digital Rights LAC on July 17, 2013
A powerful Chilean industralist sued for identity theft to a Twitter user. Months later, after extensive public controversy, the case was definitively dismissed. In the light of the behavior of the police and the companies involved, it is time to review the lessons learned. By Daniel Álvarez, NGO Derechos Digitales. (…) Leer Artículo »
Chilean bill on personal data protection is a setback for people and businesses
by Digital Rights LAC on June 10, 2013
The bill attempts to solve deficient protection for the right to privacy, to remove barriers for international transference of data, and to harmonize domestic law with international standards. But, the bill fails each of its purposes. Por Alberto Cerda, ONG Derechos Digitales. In 1999, Chile became the first Latin American (…) Leer Artículo »