Posts Tagged “Perú”
Stalker Law in Peru: When innocence stops being a presumption
by Digital Rights LAC on September 23, 2015

On July 27th, while more than 30 million of Peruvians were celebrating the national holiday, the government enacted the Decree Law 1182, a precept which, on a practical level, turns all citizens into possible criminals who need to be w
The last big battle of the TPP
by Digital Rights LAC on September 23, 2015

The advancements achieved in the negotiation of the agreement are increasingly bigger, the maneuvers of the civil society are made more and more difficult and, even though better perspectives regarding technological matters can be seen, there is a big obstacle to overcome in order to assure the sovereignty of the countries: the Certification.
The friction between transparency and personal data protection in Peru
by Digital Rights LAC on July 14, 2015

hrough their decisions, the CC and PDPA acknowledge that reproducing certain personal data may affect the privacy of citizens. However, instead of preventing the affectation in origin, they limited themselves to punish third parties replicating what the State did in the first place. What are we really protecting by applying this criterion? Clearly, it is not the confidentiality of such personal data.
A discussion that could finally change copyright in Peru
by Digital Rights LAC on April 2, 2014

In the last chapter of a long debate, the National Institute for the Defense of Competition and Protection of Intellectual Property suspended the board of the Peruvian Association of Authors and Composers for one year. But what hides within this long discussion in a country like Peru, which is advancing (…) Leer Artículo »
[2013 Assessment] Cybercrime in Peru
by Digital Rights LAC on January 29, 2014

In Digital Rights LAC, we asked to different specialists in the region about their personal appraisal in digital rights issues. This is the case of Miguel Morachimo of Peru, to whom we asked In what sense the case of cancellation of the Peruvian domain is proof of bad legislations (…) Leer Artículo »
Peru’s controversial law on cybercrime
by Digital Rights LAC on October 20, 2013

By Eduardo Alcocer Povis, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. Why has this initiative, informally known as the “Beingolea law” – raised many critical voices in Peru ? In a brief analysis, Professor Eduardo Alcocer dissects the law (which is now in possession of the Executive after being approved by Congress) (…) Leer Artículo »
How we learned to stop worrying and love the ban
by Digital Rights LAC on August 27, 2013

A group of bills recently introduced in the Peruvian Congress address various issues related to Internet use. However, its take on technologies and their potential is biased and pessimistic resulting in formulas which propose banning all that which can not be controlled. By Miguel Morachimo, Hiperderecho NGO* A bill introduced (…) Leer Artículo »