“Nº3 09/2013”
Internet and Democracy: The Protests of June in Brazil
by Digital Rights LAC on September 19, 2013

In the protests of June, online information was a key factor to the change of position of the traditional media, the great public and the political system. As already indicated, the tipping point that made the masses take the streets was the complaints, through social networks, regarding gratuitous police violence (…) Leer Artículo »
An Opinion in Favor of Freedom of Expression on the Internet
by Digital Rights LAC on September 19, 2013

The opinion of the National Attorney General in the Da Cunha case regarding the responsibility of Internet intermediaries could be the first step towards a Supreme Court case which will impact the entire region. By Eleonora Rabinovich and Atilio Grimani * In Argentina, the issue of responsibility of Internet intermediaries (…) Leer Artículo »
The Snowden case and the Brazilian reaction
by Digital Rights LAC on September 19, 2013

The present moment asks for urgent decisions that still have to be well planed otherwise being innocuous or, even worse, delaying national development. To take good decisions, perspectives of different sectors – technical, academic, business and civil society – should be taken into account. By Marília Maciel and Luiz Fernando (…) Leer Artículo »
What advances have been made in the discussion of data protection law?
by Digital Rights LAC on September 19, 2013

One of the most long- awaited legal reforms in Chile concerns the law which regulates the protection of private life, owing to the inefficient way in which the current law operates. After more than one polarised debate, the new bill continues its passage through parliament and here we report some (…) Leer Artículo »
The bill to regulate video games in Chile: is there any point at this stage?
by Digital Rights LAC on September 19, 2013

A law to regulate video games is on the point of being approved six years after the process first began. The biggest problem with it is that the technologies and the cultural context have changed to such a degree that it is no longer necessary. By Francisco Vera* At the (…) Leer Artículo »
Culture of Webbots or artisans? Critical reflections on free culture
by Digital Rights LAC on September 19, 2013

A retweet, reblog, “like,” among others, are like a balm for the generation of instant gratification where an additional content – whether free or not – becomes a collection element. By Luis Fernando Medina* In the following writing, I seek to explore in a very intuitive and concise manner, and (…) Leer Artículo »
Access to culture and copyright in Uruguay: #noal218, a civil society victory
by Digital Rights LAC on September 19, 2013

In the course of a few weeks, the copyright law was no longer an unknown subject in Uruguay and moved to shake the cultural community, occupying a place in the mainstream media. By Jorge Gemetto * In early July, the Uruguayan government had included an article in the Accountability Bill (…) Leer Artículo »