“Nº4 10/2013”
Internet and Statecraft: Brazil and the Future of Internet Governance
by Digital Rights LAC on October 21, 2013

By, Carolina Rossini* After cancelling her October visit to DC, Brazilian president Dilma Rouseff addressed the United Nations General Assembly on September 24th during the High Level Meeting for the Rule of Law. The UNGA is the main deliberative, policymaking, and representative organ of the United Nations and comprises all (…) Leer Artículo »
Freedom of expression violations on the online environment
by Digital Rights LAC on October 21, 2013

By Heloisa Padija, Julia Lima and Laura Tresca On the online environment, freedom of expression violations can be defined out of the wide range of variables which are commonly linked to the web, such as web neutrality violations, surveillance practices, restrictions to file sharing, among others. Besides the specific violations, (…) Leer Artículo »
Guardians and key masters : the role of Internet intermediaries
by Digital Rights LAC on October 20, 2013

By Veronica Ferrari * How did Internet intermediaries turn into the guardians of users? The new work by CELE [1] attempts, among other things, to provide a theoretical answer to this question and explores the possibilities of technological solutions in the field. The activities of our daily lives are, for the most (…) Leer Artículo »
Peru’s controversial law on cybercrime
by Digital Rights LAC on October 20, 2013

By Eduardo Alcocer Povis, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. Why has this initiative, informally known as the “Beingolea law” – raised many critical voices in Peru ? In a brief analysis, Professor Eduardo Alcocer dissects the law (which is now in possession of the Executive after being approved by Congress) (…) Leer Artículo »
Regional Debates on Internet Governance: An Opportunity for Multi-Sectoral Approaches
by Digital Rights LAC on October 18, 2013

By, Valeria Betancourt* In comparison with the level of participation of civil society organizations, the participation of governments and the private sector is still quite limited. However, the perspectives offered by these actors would permit a more nuanced and comprehensive discussion. The Latin America and Caribbean Internet Governance Forum (IGF) (…) Leer Artículo »
The Personal Data Use, Legislation and Analysis in Latin America
by Digital Rights LAC on October 18, 2013

By Germán Delgado Realpe* Latin America is experiencing a special moment on personal data use, legislation and analysis. First, by the new rules of personal data and information from countries such as Colombia, Chile and Mexico, as well as the dissatisfaction expressed by countries like Brazil and Uruguay on the (…) Leer Artículo »
United in the Defense of the Right to Privacy: 13 Principles Against Mass Surveillance
by Digital Rights LAC on October 18, 2013

By Danny O’Brien and Katitza Rodríguez, Civil organizations worldwide call upon UN Member States on the urgent need to comply with their international human rights commitment of protecting their citizens from the dangers posed by mass surveillance of Internet. Activists launch a declaration on Thirteen International Principles against mass surveillance. (…) Leer Artículo »
Surveillance, Human Rights and the Role of States: Rousseff’s Speech and Peña Nieto Silence
by Digital Rights LAC on October 18, 2013

By Renata Avila Brazil will propose an initiative before the UN for an International `Marco Civil` for the Internet. Other Latin American leaders have joined diplomatic efforts to ensure respect for human rights and international law, a rare occasion in which political, diplomatic, and human rights agendas in many countries (…) Leer Artículo »