“Nº14 08/2014”
18 months in prison by commenting on the Internet
by Digital Rights LAC on August 29, 2014

The case presents an unflattering scenario for defending freedom of expression in Colombia’s digital environment. Freedom of expression is not only access to information; it is also the possibility of disseminating and freely expressing our views. By Carolina Botero, Karisma. Recently, in Colombia, we knew about a sentence to an (…) Leer Artículo »
Addressing the ultimate form of cybersecurity control: the “Internet kill switch” and the national security provisions
by Digital Rights LAC on August 28, 2014

This practice colloquially known as a “shut down of the Internet” or “Internet kill switch,” which could be easily considered as the “ultimate form of control” over the Internet infrastructure, has not only been considered or used by dictatorial regimes. By Patricia Vargas León* In January 2009, Egypt vanished from (…) Leer Artículo »
Information Collection, Location Tracking & User Awareness
by Digital Rights LAC on August 28, 2014

As companies around the globe are tracking data online, it’s important for Latin American users to understand the steps they can take to protect their own privacy. Ellen Marie Nadeau, Derechos Digitales* The past few weeks, articles regarding mobile tracking have been circulating the Internet. New technology connects the tracking (…) Leer Artículo »
Spam Elections
by Digital Rights LAC on August 28, 2014

The Internet can and must play a more significant part in the electoral period. In order for this to happen, the democratic potential and communicative effect of digital platforms, as a result of their own characteristics, must be recognized by both the State and its citizens. By Eduardo Magrani* Recently, (…) Leer Artículo »
The need for a digital agenda in Bolivia
by Digital Rights LAC on August 28, 2014

In the run up to a presidential election, a civil society group is organizing itself to propose a digital agenda to the Bolivian candidates. The issue is becoming urgent as delays in creating a serious digital development plan will only increase the levels of social exclusion. By Camilo Córdova of (…) Leer Artículo »