“N°0 06/2013”
To be connected
by Digital Rights LAC on June 12, 2013

We are the heterogeneous group of organizations behind Digital Rights in Latin America and the Caribbean and we deal with questions related to Internet regulation and governance. It’s of our interest the full exercise of human rights in the digital world, and we believe that new technologies offer opportunities to expand these (…) Leer Artículo »
Orphan works and collective management model, a bad legislative proposal Colombian style*
by Digital Rights LAC on June 12, 2013

Like in the rest of the continent, orphan works in Colombia are not a public policy concern. It is a discussion subject in expert circles but has not been subjected to legislative proposals analysis. However, surprisingly we find that the collective management system reform, which is currently taking place in (…) Leer Artículo »
Colombian Constitutional Court Overturned Copyright Law
by Digital Rights LAC on June 12, 2013

On April 13, 2012, the President of Colombia Juan Manuel Santos signed Law 1520 –known among the media and social networks as ‘Lleras Law 2.0’–, whose main objective was to increase the legal protection against copyright infringement. Last January, but just recently available, the Constitutional Court overturned it arguing procedural (…) Leer Artículo »
Debates over Intermediary liability in Argentina
by Digital Rights LAC on June 12, 2013

In recent months, Argentina has seen the revival of a Congressional debate concerning a bill that would govern intermediary liability. In a country where courts frequently hear lawsuits against the Internet’s largest search engines, such as Google and Yahoo!, over content that third parties have posted online, such a bill (…) Leer Artículo »
Open Educational Resources
by Digital Rights LAC on June 10, 2013

Besides the practicality it could bring to the authors, free licensing can also contribute to promote the most important constitutional rights in the scope of cultural production: the access to culture and the access to knowledge. Por Eduardo Magrani y Pedro Belchior, Centro de Tecnología y Sociedad. Open Educational Resources (…) Leer Artículo »
La reforma a la Ley de Derechos de Autor de Brasil
by Digital Rights LAC on June 10, 2013

The advocates of access to knowledge cause perceive the current moment as a turning point on the formulation of a democratic management, concerned with the interests of all those who dedicated themselves to the process of updating copyright and ensuring its social function. Por Eduardo Magrani, Centro de Tecnologia e Sociedade. (…) Leer Artículo »
Chilean bill on personal data protection is a setback for people and businesses
by Digital Rights LAC on June 10, 2013

The bill attempts to solve deficient protection for the right to privacy, to remove barriers for international transference of data, and to harmonize domestic law with international standards. But, the bill fails each of its purposes. Por Alberto Cerda, ONG Derechos Digitales. In 1999, Chile became the first Latin American (…) Leer Artículo »
Discussions about SUBE and privacy in Argentina
by Digital Rights LAC on June 10, 2013

The SUBE card case in Argentina is a good example of how many policies take over our private lives today without anyone complaining or even noticing. Por Ramiro Alvarez Ugarte, Asociación por los Derechos Civiles. Towards the end of 2011, all the inhabitants of the city of Buenos Aires and (…) Leer Artículo »
Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement threatens to affect human rights in Latin America
by Digital Rights LAC on June 7, 2013

The unbalanced approach to copyright by the TPPA can negatively impact freedom of expression and access to knowledge not only for its members, but also for their neighbors. Por Francisco Vera, ONG Derechos Digitales. “The biggest free trade area in the world”. That is how the TPPA has been described (…) Leer Artículo »