“Nº25 07/2015”
In Colombia, PUMA is not what it seems
by Digital Rights LAC on August 24, 2015

The Hacking Team leak confirmed that Colombia purchased in 2013 the remote control software known as “Galileo” for PUMA (the country’s surveillance platform), thus strengthening their surveillance capacities, but what is this improvement?
Anti-discrimination and freedom of expression in Argentina
by Digital Rights LAC on August 24, 2015

El proyecto de Ley Nacional Contra la Discriminación que se está tratando en estos días en Argentina pretende, entre otros objetivos, regular los comentarios en internet. El proyecto es contrario a la Constitución Nacional y a los principios establecidos por el Sistema Interamericano de Derechos Humanos.
Educational organizations agreements with Google: the Uruguayan case
by Digital Rights LAC on August 24, 2015

On May 22nd, 2015, Plan Ceibal (the Uruguayan implementation of the OLPC project, one laptop per student) and Google signed an agreement. That’s how we wrote an open letter warning the Uruguayan citizens and simultaneously setting out several questions to the educational authorities and the national government.
Hacking Team in Chile: Does the software comply with the minimum quality standards established by the Chilean legal system?
by Digital Rights LAC on August 24, 2015

Chile’s Investigative Police Force (PDI) confirmed the purchase of a modern spy software by the Italian company, explaining that it is a tool to face highly organized criminal activity. Is it proportional to the use of a computer program of this nature?
Three years of the Access to Information Act: for a culture of transparency
by Digital Rights LAC on August 24, 2015

In the month that the law fulfills three years of validity, Article 19, non-governmental human rights organization dedicated to promoting and protecting freedom of expression, including access to information, has released the second edition of Law Monitoring Access to Public Information report, for the year 2014.