“Nº30 Cuba Edition”

A new Internet geography for Cuba

by Digital Rights LAC on December 19, 2016

There is still much to do regarding the Internet… It is true that actions have been undertaken to reduce the digital gap, but we should think of this as a right, and it is our right to have timely access to this technology. This is why I’d like to share two aspects: one referring to people still lacking access, and the second to the obligation of the State.

From the Cassette to ‘The Package,’ or How to Do Streaming Without Internet in Cuba

by Digital Rights LAC on December 19, 2016

The weekly Package is a terabyte of material in a portable disk drive that covers a broad spectrum of topics. This diversity has guaranteed its current popularity, since it is hard to find enough content to satisfy for an entire week from the most cultured to the most popular entertainment, from the most demanding to the most banal.

My Experience with the Internet

by Digital Rights LAC on December 19, 2016

Cuba begins its connection to the Internet at a time when the world is looking back on the most all-encompassing communications phenomenon in human history. Even with difficulties, we begin to connect. Joining the world of the Internet is an advantage for the Cuban people. We didn’t seek this advantage, but we must nonetheless make the most of it.

Comic: None the Wiser

by Digital Rights LAC on December 18, 2016

Script: Rosalia Viñas
Drawings: Pain