“Nº11 05/2014”
FLOK Society: Pro-commons in Ecuador (a conversation with Michel Bauwens)
by Digital Rights LAC on May 29, 2014

Last April, we received in Colombia the visit of Michel Bauwens, P2P Foundation founder and Research Director of the Ecuadorian FLOK Society project. Bauwens conducted a series of workshops and conferences in Medellin and Bogota, and in its way through Karisma Foundation, he talked about the FLOK project and what means opting for a pro-commons-based (…) Leer Artículo »
Chilean government to subject Chileans to American surveillance apparatus
by Digital Rights LAC on May 28, 2014

The economic benefits of being included in the Visa Waiver Program (VWP) with the US are remarkable. The ease of travel allows for the exchange of tourism between the countries, and other new economic opportunities through reduced friction caused by visa approval processes. Nonetheless, this program is often used as a mechanism to seek more data on the citizenry of participating (…) Leer Artículo »
NETmundial and the future of Internet Governance
by Digital Rights LAC on May 28, 2014

The Internet Governance regime is going through a moment of re-evaluation and changes. Under the Unites Nations, several meetings will be held in preparation to the review of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS+10), which will take place in 2015. By Marília Maciel* 1. A geopolitical shift and (…) Leer Artículo »
The Supreme Court of Argentina at the brink of a decision on intermediary liability
by Digital Rights LAC on May 28, 2014

On May the 21st, the Supreme Court of Argentina heard friends of the court in a case which confronts professional model Belén Rodríguez against Google and Yahoo!. It’s a controversy in which the Court will solve a key issue for the future of freedom of expression online: the liability of (…) Leer Artículo »
Argentina and progress towards multistakeholder model
by Digital Rights LAC on May 28, 2014

Under the NETmundial meeting held last month in Brazil on the Future of Internet Governance, Argentina announced the creation of a national organization dedicated to raising strategies on Internet governance. This was an announce on which the Argentina delegation not overemphasize: Communications Secretary Norberto Berner did not even mention the (…) Leer Artículo »